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Author Archives: benito

Eat your way to better sleep

Eat your way to better sleep When your sleep is constantly disrupted or you are simply unable to fall asleep with ease, the temptation to turn to sleeping pills is likely to be high. And yet, sleeping pills do not retrain you to sleep properly independent of them and they tend to leave many people feeling unrefreshed in the morning ...

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Minister promotes rights of PWDs


The Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection, Ms. Otiko Afisah Djaba has called on the nation to eliminate the negative perception people have that disability is a curse. “We must collectively work harder to celebrate their abilities, for disability is not inability.” The Hon. Minister  said this  when she presented Ghana’s case at the 10th session of the Conference ...

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SADA region leads Ghana’s agro-Industrialisation agenda


Amidst concerns about Ghana’s over dependence on annual multi-million dollar food and general agricultural goods imports, while Ghana abounds in 17.5 million acres arable land, forested area excluded, the Presidents Atta Mills and John Dramani Mahama-led NDC governments launched the Savannah Accelerated Development Programmes in 2010 and the Ghana Commercial Agriculture Project (GCAP) in 2013 respectively. Within the context of ...

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Ghana’s criminal justice system needs an overhaul

Ghana’s criminal justice system needs an overhaul

A friend of mine recently invited visitors to his Facebook page, to provide three suggestions to help halt a run-away problem emerging in Ghana: “What are your top 3 ideas for addressing the problem of mob (in) justice and extra judicial killings?” He specifically said that he didn’t want people to simply click “like” or “don’t like”, but concrete suggestions ...

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Lessons on Elections in West Africa


Genuine, inclusive, free and fair elections are an indispensable component of democratic governance, rule of law and respect for human rights alike. While it is true that West African States have achieved great strides of progress in the last decades, challenges still remain and cases of human rights violations leading to violence and potentially destabilizing tensions make the headlines on ...

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What happened to the Constitutional Review?


Ghana’s fourth republic came into being to succeed a long period of military regime. Transition from military regime to constitutionally elected government is totally different a normal succession of constitutionally elected governments following one another. The path to the fourth republic and its specifi-cities lie at the root of many of the problems the country goes through today. Thanks to ...

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KMA Boss to rebrand ‘Garden City’

Osei Assibey Antwi

The mayor of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, Hon. Osei Assibey has stressed the need for the residents of Kumasi to put measures in place to transform the declining state of the city’s environment, so that the former name of the city as “Garden City” could be restored. He said the environ-mental position of the city is very serious to such ...

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Right to Information Coalition welcomes President’s assurance

Right to Information Coalition welcomes President's assurance

The Coalition on the Right to Information (RTI Coalition) has welcomed the declaration by H.E President Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo, at the Africa Open Data Conference in Accra on July 20 2017, of his government’s resolve to collaborate with Parliament to speed up the passage of the Right to Information Bill, about the oldest in the hands of successive governments. ...

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Can the EC survive the recent tsunami?

Can the EC survive the recent tsunami?

Since becoming the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission of Ghana, Madam Charlotte Osei, has generated more heat than the proverbial kitchen. This is not her fault. We live in a society which is supposed to be democratic, but every issue is seen from a partisan political lens. Anyone occupying that position would have endured the same heat, innuendo and accusations ...

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Role of Oats porridge in maintaining shiny hair

Shinning, soft beautiful hair doesn’t tangle: we all love to have it, but everyone is blessed with a different hair. Luckily, things are quite that simple. The most important fact to remember is that, before beauty, comes health. So a beautiful hair has to be a healthy one. And keeping it healthy depends on more than just washing it. For ...

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