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Stop ‘galamsey’ threat to cocoa sector

Cocoa is the backbone of Ghana’s economy, generating about $2 billion in foreign exchange annually. The crop is a major contributor to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GPD). Producing many metric tonnes of the beans annually, the country is the second largest producer of cocoa and the only supplier of premium beans in the world. About 850,000 farmer families in ...

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Dealing with the land-guards menace

THERE is no gainsaying the fact that the menace of land-guard has gained notoriety in the national capital of Ghana, Accra.  The mention of land-guards tends to send shivers down the spine of prospective land buyers. MANY well-meaning Ghanaians have abandoned the idea of buying plots of land and putting on them their own houses.  The reason is simple: the fear of ...

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Enforce laws prohibiting smoking in public places

According to the 6th edition of the Tobacco Atlas report, an estimated one-fifth of males and one-third of females globally were exposed to second-hand smoke in 2016 alone. It caused an estimated 884,000 deaths in the world in the same year. The report also revealed that years of life lost due to ill-health, disability, or early death because of second-hand ...

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Let’s embrace a world free of nuclear weapons

Today, Wednesday, August 29 is observed as the International Day Against Nuclear Tests. Since nuclear weapons testing began on 16 July 1945, nearly 2,000 have taken place. In the early days of nuclear testing little consideration was given to its devastating effects on human life, let alone the dangers of nuclear fallout from atmospheric tests. Hindsight and history have shown ...

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Time To Cover Accra’s Gutters

There are many good reasons Accra should join the rest of the modern world in having covered gutters. We do not have to travel far to relish a city with covered gutters. The nearby Francophone countries are cases in point. We do not understand why the Brits did not introduce us to covered gutters as their colleague colonizers did to ...

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Time for Universal health coverage

Following the death of Ghana’s former vice president, Paa Kwesi Amissah-Arthur, a story emerged of the last few minutes of this illustrious son of Ghana. He was a former Governor of the Bank of Ghana, and later the Vice President (VP). To learn that at the time of this, the VP was put in the cabin of a pickup truck ...

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Kudos to Our mothers

Yesterday, Sunday, May 13, 2018, Ghanaians and many other Nationals celebrated those among us whom we call Mom or Mommy or Mama. Whatever we call her, she is one of the most important people in the history of all our lives that deserves to be celebrated. She brings us into the world and nurtures us at our most vulnerable times. ...

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Act now to save lives on the Accra- Nsawam Highway

Public Agenda is reporting today on its front page the emergence of unapproved U- turns on the Accra- Nsawam trunk road. The road is undoubtedly one of the busiest highways in the country as it leads to other regional capitals and countries including Cote d’ Voire and Burkina- Faso. This therefore means that Authorities who are mandated to monitor and ...

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Nana Addo must deliver on his RTI promise

Akufo Addo, President of Ghana

Many were those who hailed  President Nana Addo  Dankwa Akufo Addo  for making a bold statement on the Independence Day by  indicating  his preparedness to ensure that  Right to Information(RTI)  bill which has been within and without Parliament for  more than a decade will be  passed. In his own words, he said to Ghanaians that “There is, however, one piece ...

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Ghanaians in peace keeping

A disturbing report has it that, a contingent of Ghanaian Policemen from the Formed Police Unit (FPU) on duty in South Sudan are being investigated for sexual exploitation (see Page 9).  Public Agenda sees this as a serious scar on the face in view of Ghana’s role in the international peace keeping duties. Ghana recently celebrated 50 years of participation ...

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