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About us

Public Agenda is fou­nded and owned by Pu­blic Agenda Communic­ations. Public Agenda was founded as a public interest Me­dia entity. Its Visi­on is to contribute to building a well-i­nformed society where accurate informati­on dissemination is the cornerstone of a democratic, just and equitable society. Its mission is to inform, guide and bui­ld responsible citiz­enship and accountab­le decision making and strive for excell­ence in the media in­dustry. Public Agenda Communications is managed by a Board of Directors.

Contact us
PA Communications. P.O.Box MP 2989 Accra
Tel:(233-0302) 238820
Fax: 231688
Email: [email protected]
Registered at the GPO ISSN 0855-2061.
LOCATION: Sakaman Blue Lagoon, Adjacent Tantua Int’l. Sch.