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Monthly Archives: September 2019

FAO launches project on malnutrition that targets women, vulnerable

The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has launched a project to support the government’s efforts to reduce malnutrition, particularly among women and vulnerable groups. Known as “Support to reduction in malnutrition in women and vulnerable populations through food-based approaches”, the project is also aimed at facilitating the country’s efforts to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goal Five (SDG 5), which ...

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Strong leaders care about all people, not just their own citizens, Ukraine’s Zelenskyy says at UN

Advances in weaponry have made the world smaller, which means leaders are not only responsible for the fate of their citizens but of everyone else on the planet, the President of Ukraine told the UN General Assembly on Wednesday. Volodymyr Zelenskyy said ongoing conflict in places such Syria and Yemen, and his own country, reveal that war is the biggest threat to ...

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Earth’s oceans and frozen spaces paying price for ‘taking the heat of global warming’

Our oceans and frozen spaces have been “taking the heat” for global warming for decades, climate experts said on Wednesday, warning that without a radical change in human behaviour, hundreds of millions of people could suffer from rising sea levels, frequent natural disasters and food shortages. “The ocean is warmer, more acidic and less productive”, the report by the Intergovernmental Panel ...

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Ghana becoming haven for foreign criminals – Immigration boss laments

The Deputy Comptroller of Immigration (DCGI) in-charge of Command Post and Operations is worried that migrant crime in the country is on the ascendency. Laud Kwesi Affrifah says Ghana is on the verge of becoming a criminal haven for foreigners and is, therefore, urging officers of the Services to “sit up and make our country safer.” He made the statement in an interaction with ...

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Government to streamline collection of employment data

The Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations (MELR) is working with stakeholders to streamline standards and centralise employment statistics generated within the productive sectors for effective reporting and targeting. This, the Ministry said, would ensure easy disaggregation and analysis of employment data by the Ministries, Departments and Agencies and the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies for use by policymakers towards ...

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Investigate church members who offer huge tithes and offerings – GPCC Gen. Secretary

The General Secretary of Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC), Rev. Emmanuel Teimah Barrigah has urged Christian leaders to conduct background checks on church members who pay huge tithes and offerings as a way to fight corruption in the country. According to him, Christians make up 70 per cent of the country’s population so if there is an epidemic of ...

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Agbogbloshie Market provided with resource centre

A resource centre has been opened at the Agbogbloshie Market in Accra to provide victims of sexual and gender-based violence in the area with the needed support. Victims of gender-based violence and other social vices can walk to the centre, named Rapid Response Centre, to get help for access to justice, health care and other forms of social support. Funded ...

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UN climate summit: World leaders gather to present plans

A special climate summit organised by UN Secretary General António Guterres is set to open in New York, but some key world leaders, including Donald Trump, will not take part. Mr Guterres expects leaders to come with new and ambitious plans to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Youth activists, including Greta Thunberg, will address delegates. Ahead of the one-day summit, scientists ...

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Ahead of UN summit, leading scientists warn climate change ‘hitting harder and sooner’ than forecast

Top climate scientists issued a report on Sunday showing that over the last several years, sea-level rise, planetary warming, shrinking ice sheets and carbon pollution have accelerated; a sobering call to action for political leaders headed to New York for summit-level climate change talks tomorrow at the United Nations. The landmark new report, which will be presented to the UN Climate Action ...

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Rotary Club of Cantonment to rehabilitate facilities of 3 psychiatric hospitals

The Rotary Club of Accra-Cantonment is to rehabilitate children wards of the three psychiatric hospitals in the country. The hospitals are Accra, Pantang, and Ankaful Psychiatric hospitals. The initiative forms part of the club’s flagship project for the 2019-2020 Rotary Year.  A statement issued by the Club said the goal of the project was to improve the standard of healthcare services ...

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