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Monthly Archives: July 2019

Women’s right groups express anger over ethnocentric comment by man of God

Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi

Three main coalitions on women’s rights and gender equality in Ghana, namely: The Network for Women’s Rights in Ghana (NETRIGHT); The Women’s Manifesto Coalition (WMC); and the Domestic Violence Coalition (DVC), have sounded an alarm bell on the rise of misogyny, ethnic sentiments, hate speech and incitement to hatred, in recent times made by some religious leaders and public figures. ...

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Abantu urges Ghanaians to vote more women into district assemblies

ABANTU for Development, a women’s rights advocacy organization has urged Ghanaians to consider voting massively for women candidate in the upcoming district level election to be held in November 2019. Abantu is of the view that facilitating the election of more marginalized citizens, especially women into districts assemblies in the upcoming election 2019 will not only be fair and just ...

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Migrant crisis: Self-immolation exposes UN failures in Libya

After a horrific two-year ordeal across three countries – being bought and sold by people traffickers and surviving running out of fuel on an inflatable boat while trying to cross the Mediterranean – Mohamed finally gave up hope. The Somali man’s wife Leyla, 21, recalls the day he burnt himself to death after hearing that they were not on a ...

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The role of private sector in achieving SDGs…Vivo Energy Ghana demonstrates commitment

Water is life and essential to health and food production. In Ghana, while some communities have free flow of potable water, unfortunately the same cannot be said for others. According to the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Platform (JMP) 2017, 5.3% of the population in Ghana rely on water from unprotected dug well or spring. While 7.0%, rely on surface water. Even ...

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Gov’t suspends concession agreement with PDS

The Government has announced immediate suspension of the concession agreement with Power Distribution Services (PDS) Ghana Limited. A press statement signed by the Information Minister, Mr. Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, said the decision followed the detection of “fundamental and material breaches” of the company’s obligation in the provision of Payment Securities (Demand Guarantees) for the transaction. The breaches, it added, were ...

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Government to build mechanised disposal site

Ken Ofori Atta

Mr. Ken Ofori-Atta, the Finance Minister on Monday said government has begun negotiations with prospective land owners to purchase 65.5-acres of land at Ayidan, in the Ga South Municipality to develop a mechanised disposal site for the Greater Accra Metropolitan area. He said to facilitate the proper disposal of solid waste, 2,000 public litter bins were being placed at vantage ...

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Infrastructure for Poverty Eradication underway – Finance Minister

Mr Ken Ofori-Atta, Minister of Finance on Monday said that government has initiated the implementation of some projects under the Infrastructure for Poverty Eradication Programme (IPEP). This he said was aimed at accelerating the provision of basic infrastructure in rural and deprived communities. The projects included: 300 small earth dams to support all year round farming activities, 50 pre-fabricated warehouses ...

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Gov’t not doing enough to tackle human trafficking – Challenging Heights

A non-governmental organisation, Challenging Heights, has said government’s effort in addressing human trafficking is unsatisfactory. To mark this year’s World Day against Human Trafficking, the organisation, which deals with the protection of the rights of children and focusing on their anti-trafficking efforts, wants government to put its foot down and enforce laws against child trafficking in the country. In a ...

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Zongo youth to receive livelihood empowerment skills

Mustapha Hamid, Minister for Zongo Development

An initiative to provide employable and livelihood empowerment skills to the youth in zongo communities was launched in Accra last Saturday. The enterprise, known as the Skills Project, aims at providing skills training in areas such as tailoring, bead-making, make-up, hairdressing, baking, auto mechanics and welding.   Over 100,000 out-of-school youth from the Zongos are expected to benefit from the ...

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Zoomlion, YEA and the Waste, Sanitation Module

Sanitation happens to be one of the major challenges of many local and national governments in recent times. The industrial revolution brought with it the production and consumption of several kinds of goods and services which led to the generation of several kinds of waste with various kinds of negative environmental, health and economic impacts.   Even from the colonial ...

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