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Monthly Archives: November 2017

Stakeholders brainstorm medical products regulation in Africa

Hon. Kweku Agyeman-Manu, Minister for Health

The 3rd Biennial Scientific Conference on Medical Products Regulation in Africa has ended in Accra with a call on African countries to consolidate the gains made in the area of medical products regulation harmonisation. Such a  move will   help to ensure access to  medicines  in the region and also guarantee quality and safety of medical products,  while preventing duplication of ...

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Access to quality medicine remains a challenge- Minister laments

A  Deputy Minister for Health, Hon. Kingsley Aboagye Gyedu has bemoaned accessibility to quality medicine in the ECOWAS sub-region still remains a major challenge despite the concerted effort by various governments and development partners. Hon. Gyedu who spoke at the launch of ECOWAS Medicines Regulatory Harmonization Project in Accra last week noted that quality of life of people is important ...

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My perspective on Mommy Merkel

Dr Angela Merkel

  Angela Merkel has been the Chancellor of the German Government for 12 years. On 24.09.2017 she and her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) won the elections for the forth time in a row. I as a young person living in Germany have never seen Angela Merkel in real life, because German politicians aren’t likely to step out in public. But because ...

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International Elections Observation: The lie of impartiality

In most elections in which International Observation is permitted the observers often find favor of the electoral management body even if an election is by all accounts shambolic. Colleagues have told me there are exceptions to this presentiment but having dabbled in international observation as part of the East African Community Presidential Election Observation Mission to Rwanda on the 4th ...

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Never forget the History of Elmina Castle

Elmina castle

The 505-year-old former slave depot is evocative of an important alarming part of Ghana’s history. With space for 1000 slaves, the number of innocent Ghanaians being shipped all over the world is hardly imaginable. Elmina Castle which was built in 1482 by Portuguese conquerors is one of the best preserved forts along the Ghanaian coast. After first being a camp ...

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After Mugabe, African leaders ponder the future

Robert Mugabe, former President of Zimbabwe

Hours after Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe was forced out after 37 years in power, Uganda’s president, another former guerrilla in office for more than three decades, was tweeting about pay rises for civil servants and bright prospects for his army tank crews. Supporters of long-serving African leaders dismiss parallels with Zimbabwe, where Mugabe’s former deputy – sacked during a power struggle ...

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Coalition question govt’s commitment to passing RTI Bill

The Right to Information Coalition, (RTI), and Ghana has welcomed Parliament’s passage of the Office of Special Prosecutor Bill and notes with interest, the speed of consideration and passage in accordance with the wish and preference of the Executive arm of government. The Coalition said in a Statement, “We share in the Finance Minister’s mention of the passage of the ...

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Forestry Commission, YEA to engage 15,000 youth for forests conservation

A  Service agreement has been signed between the Forestry Commission and the Youth Employment Agency (YEA) with the intention to establish a formal relationship for the implementation of a Forest Plantation Programme, under the Youth in Agriculture and Afforestation Module. “After the signing of this Service Agreement, the Forestry Commission in Collaboration with YEA will recruit an estimated 15,000 youth ...

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Farmers demand clarity on duplication of Agriculture initiatives

Mr Charles Nyaaba, PFAG

The Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana has asked  government and the  Ministry  of  Food and  Agriculture in particular, to come  clear  on what it describes  as duplication of  initiatives in the Agricultural  sector to avoid confusion. In its analysis of the 2018 budget, the PFAG emphasised,”We expect clarity on the multiplicity of initiatives adopted by government for the agricultural sector. ...

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The Dr. Bawumia Digital economy and the ambiguities for Taxation

Dr Bawumia

The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) recently launched a tax campaign to encourage Ghanaians to fulfill their tax obligations. Hopefully, the eight (8 ) million Ghanaians or so, quoted by the Commissioner General as missing from Ghana’s tax register will be enrolled. We commend GRA for its tax campaign and call on all Ghanaians to support the GRA to succeed. However, ...

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