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Monthly Archives: September 2017

Oil funded projects bring relief to farming communities

one of the steel bridges on river Ponponse

Three projects partly funded with proceeds from Ghana’s oil resources have brought relief to some farming communities in the Eastern Region. The Projects include the construction of the  New Tafo- Nobi-Samlesi- Anwiabeng feeder roads with partial concrete –paved surface,  construction of  two steel bridges on the River Ponpon  at  Nsutapong Chakachakam-  Osuaobiri  ponpose  feeder roads as well as a six ...

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Human rights group calls for increased prisoners feeding amount

Jonathan Osei Owusu

The Executive Director of Perfector of Sentiments Foundation (POS), Mr Jonathan Osei Owusu has called on the government to increase the GHc1.80 pesewas provided as feeding fee for prisoners. Mr Owusu described the Gh 1.80 pesewas for three square meals a day for the prisoners as an abuse on the fundamental human rights of prisoners and said it could lead ...

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Time to end child marriage is now!

stop child marriage

Public Agenda returns to one of the thorny issues facing children in Ghana today. It is child marriage. It is a troubling practice which is still encouraged by both parents and community leaders. There is no doubt that most Ghanaians abhor this practice. Apart from the barbarity of it, it is also an abuse of children’s rights to which Ghana ...

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Bishop calls for a Ministry of Religious Affairs

Bishop John Yaw Adu

The Founder/Leader of the New Jerusalem Chapel located at Sokoban-Ampayoo in the Ashanti Region, Bishop Dr. John Yaw Adu has called on the Government to establish a Ministry of Religious Affairs separate from the Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs to steer the affairs of the religious sector in the country. This is because Christianity is losing its image at ...

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There is a lot to whine about in Ghana

school children

The rate of physical and economic development of Ghana in recent times compared with the 1970s, when I became very conscious of my environment, has been good. Compared with even the 80s and 90s, the rate of development has been relatively good. The percentage of Ghanaians living below the poverty line has declined, even though the level is still unacceptable. ...

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Netherlands Embassy supports GRA to improve services

GRA new vans

The Netherlands Embassy under the GIZ Good Financial Governance Programme has handed over two customs laboratory vans to the Ghana Revenue Authority to enable the institution to undertake quick on-the-spot testing of goods at the checkpoint and warehouses. The Good Financial Governance (GFG) programme has since 2003 been supporting public financial management reforms in Ghana including revenue management, budget management ...

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Let’s unite and show compassion to prevent suicide- MEHSOG admonishes

The Mental Health Leadership and Advocacy Programme (mhLAP) and Mental Health Society of Ghana (MEHSOG), yesterday, September 10th 2017, joined hands with others around the world who are working towards the common goal of preventing suicide, to observe Suicide Prevention Day. The year 2017 marks the 15th world suicide prevention day. The day was first recognized in 2003 as an ...

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Trading our forests for money; a threat to the future

Ask! How could we have been governed if Ghana had no gold, no oil or bauxite? Could we have been governed at all? Could John Mahama and now Nana Akufo-Addo run Ghana only on taxes from tourism and exportation of maybe human resource? Could we have been “fed” at all? Is it possible at all? What is this issuance of ...

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Kwesi Appiah must seize the moment to change Ghana’s World Cup destiny

Kwesi Appiah

At one point in the past few days, Kwesi Appiah was being lambasted as a ‘clueless, tactically bankrupt’ coach, and the next he was being hailed as a man who knew all there was to know about football. The Ghana coach has seen his stock fall and rise again over the two recent World Cup qualifying games against Congo, and ...

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Absence of sexual health education increases teenage pregnancy


A 2016 report by the National Development Planning Commission indicates that over the past 20 years, Ghana has made significant progress in the area of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights; however, lack of comprehensive sexual and health education for children and adolescents has partially derailed the progress made. The report mentioned that in Ghana, Comprehensive Sexual Education is not offered ...

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